Poor Theo (Tyroe Muhafidin). The kid basically thought he tracked down a cool sword handle in an outbuilding in The Master of The Rings: The Rings of Force. Unbeknownst to Theo, he had uncovered an entry to his very own damnation. In what manner or capacity? How about we separate it.


Theo ignored his mom’s requests in The Rings of Force Episode 4 and went scavenging for food where he shouldn’t have go. Tragically for Theo, he coincidentally came across an orc’s bite stash. What is the meaning of the handle in ‘The Rings of Force’? The Rings of Force flips the “little fellow finds an almighty sword and it assists him with turning into a strong lord or champion” saying topsy turvy with Theo and his dull sword grip. After an orc assaults Theo (hello, even orcs need to eat), the kid draws out the wrecked grip he tracked down in the horse shelter.

The simple sight of the grip confuses the orc. “Where did you get that?” he asks Theo. The grip changes itself into a dull sword, which prompts the orc to twofold down on his Theo assault.

Obviously, Theo’s sword handle was what the orcs close by had been looking for. The orc that went after Theo tells his individual orc brethren (colleagues? It’s hazy) that he tracked down it.

Theo endeavors to escape, yet falls flat. Similarly as an orc enthusiastically makes the most of the great chance to kill Theo, Arondir (Ismael Cruz Cordova) dips in and saves him. Until further notice, at any rate. Pause, is that the mark of Sauron on Theo’s arm? Theo might have survived orc-ville however he isn’t out of the supposed woods yet. Waldreg (Geoff Morell) recognizes a remarkable mark that Theo’s blade handle left on his arm.

The more established man realizes that Theo took the blade handle from the horse shelter since it was his animal dwellingplace. Waldreg shows Theo his arm — he has a comparative mark to Theo’s. Waldreg makes sense of that Theo’s horse shelter find was certainly not a common sword, and he compassionately makes sense of why (in the most chilling tone).

Theo’s blade grip was “molded by our progenitors by his lord’s own hand. A delightful worker. He who was lost, yet will return.” Indeed, the “he” that Waldreg is discussing is Sauron!

Waldreg advises Theo that the More unusual’s tumble to Earth was an indication of Sauron’s return. Waldreg cautions Theo to save his solidarity — he’ll require it later on all things considered. The episode doesn’t make it understood on the off chance that Theo’s blade grip really had a place with Sauron himself, or on the other hand assuming it was produced for one of his messengers. All we know is that Theo actually has it. That could bring any hardship whatsoever pushing ahead to the hour of judgment, will it? Watch Theo not get in any peril at all when new episodes of The Ruler of The Rings: The Rings of Force drop on Prime Video each Friday.