Nonetheless, the matter was put off because of Lanez’s lawyer being not able to go to the preliminary, and the sitting adjudicator was additionally busy with another matter.

At the pre-preliminary hearing in late July, Lanez’s legal advisor, Shawn Holley, had mentioned that the preliminary date be deferred because of her appearance in another irrelevant matter. Nonetheless, the appointed authority didn’t make a request with respect to the solicitation but to say that the gatherings would reconvene to check whether anything had changed. As per Rolling Stone senior columnist Nancy Dillon on Wednesday (September 14), the adjudicator who is directing the matter is engaged with an alternate preliminary.

The matter was not ultimately heard as the preliminary date was proposed to reset to between November 28 and December 8. Dillon noticed that there were protests from examiners on the grounds that Lanez’s attorney is independently engaged with a discretion matter that would influence her having the option to be in court for Lanez’s hearing any sooner.

Meanwhile, jury choice is supposed to begin on December 5. One of the arraignment witnesses, Kelsey Harris, was seen going to court in spite of the fact that Lanez and Megan Thee Stallion were not found in court on Wednesday.

As indicated by the correspondent, Kelsey Harris, who was seen being accompanied out of the Los Angeles town hall, was requested to get back to court on December 9, where she will show up as an observer for the indictment.

Harris is supposed to be the main onlooker in the supposed shooting that happened in 2020. You Stallion claims that Lanez shot her after a battle in the SUV the three were going in. Conservative Lanez is being investigated for one count of crime attack with a self loading gun. He has argued not blameworthy to the charges and has ceaselessly kept up with that he was honest of the charges.

Megan Thee Stallion, then again, has blamed Harris for tolerating quiet cash from Lanez to stay silent about how she was shot. She likewise claimed in late articulations that he beseeched her not to address the police and offered her $1 million to keep her quietness.

— Nancy Dillon (@Nancy__Dillon) September 14, 2022